Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Now That I'm Unstuck...

Page 145, most of the way through Chapter 9. My chapters tend to be about 15 pages each, give or take. Sometimes if I really get going, I don't bother with making a chapter break and then redistribute later. The important thing with chapters, though, is that each end should prompt the reader to want to keep on reading. A book on writing that I read a long, long time ago had its own chapter titled "I Just Couldn't Put It Down" that discussed pacing and making the reader do just that.
So between the closing sentence of one chapter and the opening one of the next, I've also added chapter titles which (hopefully) hint at what's coming next.

Today, I also called the folks at Google advertising to try to get my Google ad up and running. The instructions provided on the website were not terribly clear about display vs. destination URLs, but I think I got it fixed. It may take a couple of days to be approved, they said.

I'm hoping, too, to set up a quiz on Goodreads. The idea is that if readers can answer 10 questions about "The Dreamer Gambit" (things you can't find in any of the previews on the net), I'll send the first five (or some other number) a free, signed copy of the paperback edition. I'd like this to be a lead-in for "The Changeling Kill" when it comes out. While I tried to write "Changeling" in a way that reading "Dreamer" first is not essential, I hope it will grab a few curious readers who like to read a series in sequence.

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