Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dark Times

Page 112, still in Chapter 7. Tracy now has to deal with her relationships as well as the trauma she just suffered through and the aftermath of it. Not much room for humor there. Luckily, she's about to turn a corner and wrest back control of her life. At least until the next obstacle presents itself.

I find this dark section of the book making me somewhat melancholy, but I suppose that's a good thing in a way. If it makes me emotional, hopefully that will come through for readers too. At the risk of coming across as cliche, it's all about telling a good story. (I actually hate that prefacing phrase "it's all about" because seldom is anything all about one thing.) The stories happen and I want to share them. As I've probably said before, I can't not write. It's like breathing. If telling these stories turns into a money-making proposition, fantastic. I'd keep doing it anyway.

To make a living doing what you love should be the highest goal for anyone. Unfortunately, it cannot always be, but I won't give up trying.

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