Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Progress and Updates

Good news! More paperback editions of my books are underway. I hope I'll be ordering bunches of them to take to Glen Ellyn Bookfest in September, and to Author Fest in Joliet in October. I've made some inroads to updating my handouts and brochures for those events, and I've developed my 60-second elevator pitch for Bookfest to promote sales of "Dabblers," which I think will be ready in paper edition so I can hold it, and "Seer, Tyro, Fiend" in my hands when I pitch. 

Polishing work continues on "Where Power Lies," and I'm liking the results. My current pass is to check for voice discrepancies, where narrative and dialog for Dee don't match up. I also started fiddling with cover art and a blurb. More passes are on the horizon before I even get to the spell checking, grammar checking, format checking, and word repetition stuff. 

Having signed up as a volunteer book reviewer for Windy City Reviews, I am eagerly waiting to receive my first book from an author who chose me as a preferred reviewer. I've written reviews of books on Goodreads before, and I always have an issue with what attitude to take. I really want to like the book I'm reviewing and not be too hard-line about format and editing stuff. It seems nit-picky. If it's a good story, reasonably well written, I want the writer to have a chance and not have people dismiss those good qualities just because of technical faults. 

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