Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Restructuring Almost Done

Almost done with the restructuring in "The Janus Rule," and I'm feeling better about the pacing and flow of events. The way it was before, too much happened all in one day. While in some situations that might work, in this case it all hit me as somewhat improbable, even beyond what one can excuse in the name of fiction. I know I'm going to have to go over it all very carefully to check for anachronisms that may have been introduced, bits of dialog or thoughts that refer to events before they happen in the new order.

Today and tomorrow on Goodreads, I've set up a Q&A group for discussion of my books. No takers yet although two people have signed up for the group. Ah, well . . .

Still working on some library promotions, however, and waiting for a review of "Dabblers" to appear on Windy City Reviews and Amazon. I also started reading a novel which I pick up from time to time when I have time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Thought I"d do a visit to you, too! I like the way your blog is set up. Nice how you had your books across the top with access to the pages.
    Good idea.

