Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Home Stretch, Sort of

Blog hits have been surging lately, much to my surprise. Don't know what I'm doing right, so best not to change anything. There's an old saying about a bird in the hand . . .

"Seer, Tyro, Fiend" progressing faster now. Yesterday's scene included a major revelation, and today's chapter brings in a crucial character. It's Saturday morning in the book at this point, and the whole thing may just wrap up by Saturday night, or at least until the final "loose-ends" wrap-up chapter. While there's always a sense of satisfaction (and maybe sadness) at completing the first draft, there's much more work to be done before the manuscript is publishing ready. By the time I get done reading, tweaking, adding, subtracting, proofing, correcting, looking for overused words, checking formatting (i.e., paragraphs end with a line return, etc.) which makes for a cleaner galley, proofing again, I'll be so sick of the darned thing I can't stand it anymore. I will also be itching to get started on the next book, but I know I must be careful and not call this one done just so I can move on.

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