Monday, April 1, 2013

Nailed It

While a lot of the weekend was devoted to getting ready for and entertaining company, I hit the ground running this morning with a head full of ideas for "Seer, Tyro, Fiend." First, I figured out how to complete a pivotal scene which changes the nature of events. Second, I now have a more solid idea about the big confrontation. I know where it will be, who will be there, and the general sequence of actions. Third, I have a  cover concept, a new one, and I went in search of images that would work for it. Once again, execution will be the key, but I think I've got something that is doable, intriguing for the would-be reader, and follows a similar theme as "Dabblers."

As I plan the big scene, where yet another bombshell will be dropped, I found I had to go back to the "Dabblers" manuscript and determine things about the layout of the Greenleaf Emporium which also houses Stefanie's artist studio. That's where the scene takes place as it turns out. Luckily, nothing I envisioned was in contradiction to my descriptions in "Dabblers."

Another interesting development is that, while driving around this morning doing some errands, I suddenly had an inspiration for a Windsong Lake Vol. 3. It wasn't much, but I mapped out some things that I'll need to do research on beforehand, because I'm thinking it will take place in England although I've never been there. But my husband has been there, as well as two dear friends of ours, and I think I'll be able to tap them for enough of the "feel" of the place.

Yet, I still owe the Jack Watson series and Vol. 3, and maybe that should come first.

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