Monday, April 29, 2013

A Working Title!

Inspiration struck this morning, and the new Jack Watson mystery has a working title: The Janus Games. Part of the multiple plots is that people aren't who they seem to be, hence "Janus". This title may change of course, maybe if I find a word I like better than "Games."

Of course, the writing itself comes slowly. While all the fingers of my left hand are outside the cast, the ring finger still cannot take much pressure. I am going to try touching a key with it...oops. That "w" I just hit caused a little jolt. Best let it heal some more and go back to the 6-finger method.

Speaking of games, "Game Faces" is going to print post haste, making four novels in both mediums. I also signed a print contract for "Dabblers." Too bad I can't get around much yet, but I'll be in good shape come October for the author fair in Joliet with lots of books to sell.

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