Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Writing and Promoting

So now we have a list of suspects which is growing by the minute. Even the investigating cop, an old friend, seems a bit odd. Now comes the fun part, setting up suspicion in the minds of the characters that may be different from those in the mind of the reader.

The problem is, I'm not entirely sure what the next scene will be. I suppose it should advance the case Jack and Angel are working on. Her role in this is complicated for a number of reasons and the waters are going to get really muddy along the way. That, too, is fun stuff.

But even as I'm having a good time weaving this web, a nagging voice inside my head tells me I'm neglecting my promotional duties. I always come back to the excuse that my inability to drive while my arm is in a cast makes it difficult, yet it should not stand in the way of doing Internet based advertising. I allowed my Facebook ads to end because while they generated "likes" of my book pages, I have no idea how good they are at generating sales. I also let the Google ads drop for the same reason. Maybe I'll go back to either of those down the road, but for now, all I'm paying for is an ad on

As for free avenues, I haven't made much use of Twitter lately, and maybe it's time to start tweeting teasers again. And perhaps I need to hunt up new ways to advertise, hopefully for free. Any readers of this blog who have ideas, things that have actually performed, I'd love to hear about them.

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