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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Scattered Progress

More added to "Game Faces" yesterday, bringing page total up to 275. Not nearly the progress I've made under more favorable working conditions. Problem is, I feel like the story is concluding too quickly. Of course, once I get through a first draft, I'll be going back over it to be sure I've provided enough information at various stages to make the Big Scene make sense and be sure Tracy has all the clues she needs to put things together when she needs them.

The most recent segment is proving somewhat troublesome. While she's been through a lot to this point, Tracy's a tough lady. But how tough can she be in the current circumstances and still be believable? She's not meant to be a superhero, but if she isn't at least a bit more capable than ordinary people, she won't be as interesting and her getting into these adventures won't seem plausible. It's a fine line to tread.

On a side note, I received the "Love Is Murder" newsletter yesterday, and it mentioned a book fair in nearby Glen Ellyn, Illinois, coming in June. While I did not find any info on the Glen Ellyn site about securing "a place in the tent," I'll keep watch. I have paperback editions of "The Dreamer Gambit" I can sell, and I can make chapbooks for "Two Faces, Two Faced" and "The Changeling Kill." If I can get this set up, it will be a new experience, to be on the other side of the sales table at a fair!

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