Thursday, February 28, 2013

My New Career

Yesterday was a whirlwind of activity in my day job, with a farewell luncheon and later a small cake-and-handshake deal. Then the afternoon found me wearing my troubleshooting hat to track down errant data transmissions. By the time I got home from work, I had a throbbing headache but also a sense of relief that that sort of thing is about to be someone else's job instead of mine.

I've been alternating between proofing "Game Faces" for paperback publication and writing "Seer, Tyro, Fiend" too. I tend to think about my current novel-in-progress in bed at night (which sometimes leads to a sudden need to hop out and jot notes) and came up with a good angel (I think) for the next step toward the big showdown scene. That's still formulating, though, and I first must finish the major turning point scene I'm in the middle of. Starting tomorrow, of course, I'll be pounding out pages like nobody's business.

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