Monday, June 3, 2013

Freedom, Promotion, and Progrss

Well it's sure good to be out of that arm cast! While my wrist is still a bit stiff from being immobilized for five and a half weeks, it's getting better. To be able to type at full speed again is awesome! I'm already looking for a new car to replace my totaled one, and that means I can start doing things again.

Back to work on "Janus Games" and enjoying the fact that I can type a lot faster. The suspects keep mounting, and each POV character has their own theory about the motive behind the shooting. My newest character, Angel, throws in some interesting aspects and she's becoming more defined and real to me.

By way of promotion, I sent off a printed copy of "Dabblers" to a reviewer for Windy City Reviews on Friday. At my local Post Office, the woman at the counter asked the usual questions about the contents of my small box, i.e., any liquids, batteries, other substances. I said it was just paper, and she remarked it was two pounds of paper. So I took the opportunity to tell her what was in it. She was excited to meet an author and took one of my business cards. I made these myself:

These are really easy to do with Print Shop 2.0. On the back side, I included my web addresses and other information. I print a sheet at a time--10 cards--on card stock with micro-perforations for clean edges. I can update the text as needed if anything changes.

Sometimes it seems a little slippery, turning every encounter into a promotional opportunity, but when you do  a lot of your own advertising, you take whatever opportunity comes along. I think most writers are, by nature, a bit shy, but you have to push yourself to get over it. You seek publication to sell books, and they don't sell without someone, i.e., the author, getting the word out so people will buy them. Promoting yourself as a writer and promoting your work is part of the job.

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