Sunday, January 27, 2013

Always Writing

Added about another page to "Seer Tyro Fiend" this morning, and I've done a lot more writing in my head so to speak. Ideas which have developed:

  • Change an early scene between Stefanie and Paul to something more purposeful. (Don't want to go into more detail than that.)
  • Considered the additional character I thought should be added and decided to "roll" him into another character already introduced. (Don't like introducing characters late in the story if I can help it. It doesn't seem quite fair.)
  • Worked out another scene idea in which Stefanie further explores the Ken.
  • Mapped out more involvement for Amy.
  • Worked through the sequence of events for a big turning point scene coming up.
I remember a long time ago, on the old Dick Van Dyke Show, the Rob Petrie character decided to take time off to write a book. He managed to spend his time doing just about everything but write it, although he told his wife, Laura, that a writer is always writing even when doing something else. While the line was for him an excuse, for me at least, it's quite true. I don't need to be sitting in front of the computer or even have pen and paper nearby to be writing, because my mind wanders to my story in idle moments anyway. Driving the car, before falling asleep, taking a shower, washing the dishes. Gotta think about something, right?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathryn. Always writing. Yes! No matter what I'm doing, my mind constantly wanders back to a story. The strangest or most mundane things can trigger a line of thought and speculation of possibilities and weaving into a story. If I want to write a story for a fridayflash, I check out the prompt on Friday, and then mull over the possibilities on the weekend, and start the story on Monday. It'll be finished and posted by Friday.
    Always writing seems to be an occupational hazard. I'm glad I'm not alone.
    Wonderful post!
