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Friday, January 25, 2013

A Bit More Progress

Cadged a bit more writing time this evening and pounded out a few lines of "Seer, Tyro, Fiend". I'm coming up on a tricky part, where Stefanie will talk to one of the antagonists and try to elicit information from him without him suspecting she's onto his tricks. It's a turning-point passage and will have a huge impact on the story going forward. While I can always go back and tinker with it after the fact, initially I have to figure out just how much information will be revealed and how it will be revealed.

One week to go until Love Is Murder. Really excited about the opportunity to talk to readers and writers, to be on a discussion panel, to learn more esoteric information from experts about crime and criminals. I've already used some of the bits I gleaned from last year's conference, especially from the retired government agent. In fact, his talk planted the seeds of inspiration for "Stranger Faces."

Eagerly awaiting final copies of "Stranger Faces" so I can update all my websites. Then I'll have to get onto promotion as much as time allows. Ah, to be a full-time writer . . .

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