Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Game Faces Published!

Today was the big day for "Game Faces," officially published by Write Words, Inc. It will only be available through them for a few days until the other vendors load it into their systems. I have added a page to this blog as well as to my Google site, Kathryn Flatt, Writer. Once Amazon picks it up, I can do some advertising on Google, Goodreads, Authors Den, and Facebook. In posts to come, I'll be doing my dream cast and soundtrack entries.

On to "Dabblers." The experiment I mentioned trying, i.e., making a copy of the manuscript in proportional font and single spaced, proved to be an eye-opener. I also made it an RTF file instead of a Word document. I found formatting problems like missing paragraph changes. I saw repetitions since there was more text in front of me at a time. I re-read the entire thing in that format, and also found some other changes to make. However, I think it may be really ready now.

I also did the dreaded synopsis. How to boil 80,000 words into two double-spaced pages? It's a task that always seems daunting at first, and then, once I get it started, it seems to develop rather easily. The trick is to try to capture the main plot line first and then see if any subplots still fit. The blurb was easier, but it always is. It's just a teaser and doesn't have to show that much.

Got a solid idea for cover art, but I'm going to hold off until I actually send a query and hopefully get an acceptance. One does not want to assume too much.

Then it's back to "Faces 3" as yet without a final title. I've already converted the manuscript to single space, TNR font, and I think that may be how I work from now on. If nobody actually wants to see Courier 12 in double spacing and I spot so many more things to tweak in the other format, it no longer makes sense to stick with the old fashioned format. The times they are a changing.

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