Sunday, November 18, 2012

Two Worlds

Interleaving "Stranger Faces" and "Where Power Lies" has been keeping me busy, along with increasing my presence on Twitter. I've tried to do daily tweets about one or more of my books so that new followers will see them. Hopefully, this will lead to more exposure and more sales.

"Stranger Faces" is in editing stage, going back over manuscript and verifying that what I have said is clear enough, detailed enough, yet not overworked. "Where Power Lies" is in a difficult passage where things are both revealed and kept hidden.

Looking forward to having an entire week off from my day job, but unfortunately, I can't spend all of it writing. My to-do list keeps growing, especially in preparation for Thanksgiving on Thursday. Just my own little family, but I try to make it a special meal. We're not fond of turkey, so I'll be making some different favorites although they wouldn't be considered traditional Thanksgiving food.

On the promotional front, I've been trying to find information on area libraries about who to contact for potential personal appearances. While talking to crowds as a lecturer is not exactly my forte, I don't mind chatting with small groups, perhaps readers of the genres I write or aspiring writers. While all the Internet stuff is nice, inexpensive, and safe for the ego, the personal touch cannot be ignored.

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