Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Back In The Saddle

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you out there who have begun following me on Twitter and also become Goodreads friends. For someone who is still very new to this electronic social world, it's good to hear from total strangers who are interested in my writing. I keep trying to find more ways to interact with book lovers and spread the word about my novels. Anyone should feel free to comment on my blog or send me an email at the address given above. I get so excited when I have contact.

How great it feels to be writing a new novel. About 2400 words so far. I've been having some thoughts on the title, "Where Power Lies," mainly because there's another book out by that name, although it isn't fiction. The word that popped into my head today was "interstices" which is defined as empty space or gap between spaces full of matter. Problem--will readers recognize it for its meaning or will it just be an unfamiliar word. It has application to the story, but it might be too vague. I don't think a book title should send people running for a dictionary rather than compelling them to buy the novel on the spot. (Okay, that's a little over stated, but I can dream, can't I?)

I know that the question of a title for the latest book is going to nag at me until I figure it out, but then again, most of the novels I've started writing did not have a final title until well into the process. Perhaps it's best not to try too hard to think about it and let it come to me.

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