Friday, January 20, 2012


Two posts in one day! A first for me I think. But the post before this one, i.e., the music from "Two Faces, Two Faced", kind of demanded being in a piece by itself.

Today on the Fictionwise site, the list of best sellers for had my two novels as #4 and #5.

"Faces" is getting more attention on Goodreads--10 people have put it on their lists, and one of them gave it a 4-star rating. (Thanks, Livy!) Interest is picking up on the "Dreamer" ad as well; it's getting some clicks. I'm thinking about changing the ad copy to mention the sequel.

Working on the final chapter of "The Changeling Kill", but the wrap-up is sometimes the hardest part. Gotta tie up all those loose ends. At some point, though, I'll hit upon what the final sentence is. I know it when I hear the movie music come up in the background as the credits begin to roll. I'm not quite there yet, but it's coming.

Chicagoland is in the midst of a winter storm. It took me an hour to drive 9 miles this afternoon, and it is still snowing. But the fridge is full of food and there's nowhere we really need to go this weekend. It'll be a good time to work on those chapbooks for "Faces" to hand out at Love Is Murder.

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