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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Two Faces, Two Faced - Underway!

Just received e-mail from my editor at Write Words with the cover art for Two Faces Two Faced. I provided the artwork, and she adds the lettering. Result looks fantastic! I can hardly believe the book will get published in about a week.

On a personal note, I have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day. While much has changed over the last year, some for good and some not so good, I choose to focus on the best. I have my wonderful husband and two adorable kitties in our great new house. We have great friends and good health and so much more. My second novel will be out soon and my first has gone into print; for the start of my writing career, I have to thank the great people at Write Words.

Gotta go make turkey!

Peace and joy!

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